Climate Science

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The world’s most polluted river | DW Documentary

The Citarum River in Indonesia is the world’s most polluted river. One of the main polluters is the fashion industry: 500 textile factories throw their wastewater directly into the river.The filmmakers teamed up with international scientists to investigate the causes and consequences of this pol…

Eating less meat is fine with a majority of Americans

More than nine in ten Americans “are willing” to eat more fruits and vegetables, and more than half are open to giving up some red meat and chowing down on more plant-based meat alternatives, according to a new survey of more than a thousand adults in the US by Yale and the nonprofit Earth Day N…

Doomsday vault: Cherokee Nation becomes first U.S. tribe to preserve culturally important seeds in Svalbard Global Seed Vault

For more than a decade, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault — also known as the "doomsday" vault — has collected and maintained the world's largest collection of diverse crops. This week, the Cherokee Nation became the first tribe in the United States to be invited to deposit samples in the vault. 

How to Green the World

Our world is defined as much by what we forget, as what we remember. The billions of memories lost to time distort our perceptions with their absence. Add a healthy dose of lies and half-truths, and the past becomes a murky place, the truth almost indecipherable.

It isn’t just a problem …

Sanders introduces bill to ban fracking | TheHill

Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersThe Memo: Trump tries to steal Democrats' thunder in Iowa Democrats make closing arguments to Iowa voters Trump mocks 2020 Democrats during Iowa campaign rally MORE (I-Vt.) this week introduced a bill that aims to ban hydraulic fracking. 

Sanders has call…

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