Most recent 25 articles

France moves to ban mass live-shredding of male chicks

Guillaume said he hoped a method would be found soon that would allow farmers to determine the gender of a chicken embryo in the egg before it hatched. Researchers have been working on devising a viable method for years, but to date, the science requires each egg to be pierced to take samples – …

Big oil is the new big tobacco - and Congress must use its power to investigate | Naomi Oreskes and Geoffrey Supran

Wildfires there have been raging for more than a month and now span an area larger than Switzerland. The situation bears all the hallmarks of a hot new world: lives lost, livelihoods ruined and species pushed towards extinction, accompanied by government inaction, industry PR spin, abetting righ…

Global heating driving spread of mosquito-borne dengue fever

Across Asia the scale of outbreaks has been taking communities by surprise. In Pakistan one city hospital in Rawalpindi admitted more than 2,000 dengue patients in a single weekend in October. Across the country a record-breaking 47,000 people have been infected this year, almost double the prev…