NewsBot AI: An AI for detecting fake news

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What is this thing?
This artificial intelligence can predict whether a news article is fake or real based on the words used in the article. You can find a detailed documentation of how it works and how it was coded at: Full Pipeline Project: Python AI for detecting fake news with NLP

What do I do?
Enter a URL in the box above, the bot will load the article, extract the visible text, and use 3 different AI models to make a prediction of whether the article is fake or real. This may take several seconds because the URL you enter has to be loaded and processed. You will get a probability distrobution and a final ruling.

Any article I want?
The model has been trained only on US political news. Anything outside of that domain is unlikely to produce credible results. Bot will not load articles from because of their robots.txt policy.

I have more questions, comments, and concerns
Email me here, or use the contact form at my personal site, or you can connect with me on LinkedIn